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About Us
In 1987 MFR Enterprises (Mike Feldner) was looking for a machinist to make prototype parts to improve late model racing transmissions. Todd Bombaci was working full time as a gear machinist at a major manufacturer in the Milwaukee area and loved racing so he stopped in at MFR to talk to Mike. A relationship was started and we started making custom parts for the T10 transmission. In 1992 the manufacturing facility that Todd and Mark was working for was sold and shut down so we had to find new work. Todd went to work at a new gear manufacturer as general manager in charge of that facility. Thru out this time Todd went back to school and learned about gear design, heat treating of gears and programing. While Todd was general manager I hired my friend Mark Barney to be foreman of this new facility that i met back in 1978 who was an assembler and had a Supervisory Management degree, so i knew he would be a good fit. In 1993 we decided to start our own machine shop. We did general machining, gear cutting and deep hole drilling hence the name Borerite Inc. In 1997 Mike Feldner was having problems with suppliers of racing transmissions, so Mark and I at one of our usual business meetings decided to build a dog ring transmission from scratch using an existing T10 platform. We came out with our 1st dog ring transmission that we completely manufactured in 1999. Our first race we took 2nd place and that was not good enough for us. We changed some of the design to make it better and started winning races. In 2004 we bought out MFR Enterprises so Mike could retire. We have continued to bring quality and design with durability of the transmission up to today's standards. We brought our new Drive line Products to the for front of racing. We have designed a 2- speed transmission 3-speed transmission 3-speed low ground clearance transmission 4-speed transmission and 4-speed heavy duty transmission and numerous other parts for racing.  We have also designed a Cambered Wide 5 Drive Flange with our new CNC gear hobber so we could crown the inside removable gear. We have also designed and improved a New Roltek Billet 4-speed Shifter. We have continued to keep our quality and designs as our 1st priority and continue to keep winning races. At the present time we are working on our new super low ground clearance Roltek Transmission 3-speed. Designed from a clean sheet of paper with a crank height of 4 5/8  It is a total and complete new design.  We will be done with the development in late fall of 2020. We continue to ship and service transmissions all over the world.


371 Prospect Ave

Hartland, Wi 53029

PH: 262-369-0490

Contact: Todd or Mark

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